With the initiative of Sri. K RaghupathiBhat, MLA of Udupi constituency, Yakshashiskna Trust ®, the dream project to preserve and nurture yakshagana, the performing art form of coastal Karnataka, through imparting yakshagana dance training to school students, has come into existence. The responsibility of arranging, managing and supervising theimparting of yakshagana training has been entrusted to YakshaganaKalaranga. Presently yakshagana training to students in 48 high schools is being imparted. 

Yakshagana Kalaranga sends the yakshagana gurus (teachers) to these high schools who train the students before or after class hours (without affecting regular classes) during the months –June to November. The students so trained are required to give yakshagana performances (one from each school)in RajanganaUdupi and near bus stand in Brahmavara and the responsibility of organizing this program in December every year that extends beyond two weeks is on the shoulders of Yakshagana Kalaranga. High school students irrespective of caste, creed, colour, region, language or gender, take part in this training program with enthusiasm. 

Apart from improvement in public speaking, stage performance, clarity in speech-rendering, a study of the students’ performance in the examinations has revealed that they have performed excellent in the examinations as the training has proved to improve the concentration of the students, making them more studious. There has been considerable improvement in inter-personal communication of the students, making them speak with more clarity and confidence. The themes of Yakshagana performances are taken from Ramayana and Mahabharata. The students learn about our scriptures, various personalities depicted in those epics and stories hidden therein. They get good exposure to ancient value system, our rich culture and heritage. So they get groomed to become good citizens of our Nation.

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